German premiere coming up!
We are happy to announce that Transiteatret-Bergen will be visiting Germany with "03:08:38 -States of Emergency" by Tore Vagn Lid
In this music dramaturgical experiment – the time it took a young Norwegian, Anders Behring Breivik, to detonate a bomb at a Norwegian government building and then execute sixtynine young social democrats at a summer camp outside Oslo on July 22, 2011, is meticulously reconstructed.
Using this dark Friday as an entry point and foundation, Vagn Lid seeks to understand the logic and dramaturgy of states of exception. Thus, this becomes not only a "mourning play" about the past and an afternoon that changed Norway forever, but becomes just as much an analysis of states of exception yet to come.
The performance premiered in Norway in 2020 and has since been performed and presented multiple times in Norway and touring in sevral Scandinavian countries.
It was awarded the Hedda Award for Exceptional Artistic achievement and for best audio-visual design.
German premiere will take place at Unidram festival, Potsdam Nov. 6th and 7th of November and will go directly to Berlin and at Alte Müntze under "Theater Der Dinge Festival" on the 9th and 10th of November. The performance is presented with German and English subtitles.
"I have seen hundreds of plays, dance shows and performances during my life, but it was difficult to find anything comparable to this among the memories.”
Matti Sarella, critic (FI)
"03.08.38 – States of Emergency" clearly shows the cruelty of the chaos that reigned during the terrorist attack 10 years ago, (…) Tore Vagn Lid has created a political work that casts doubt on the sanity of the authorities' absolute right to legislate and declare a state of emergency , (...)There is a shocking picture that is drawn in the excellent docu performance" Kaspar Koeler, critic (DK)
"A rare and impressive piece of art, masterfully conceived, and masterfully executed»
Jan Landro, Dag og Tid (NO)
«In fact «03:08:38 States of emergency» may prove to be the most important artistic treatment of the terrorist attack on 22/7 ever»
Mode Steinkjær, Dagsavisen (NO)
Tickets and further information here:
Unidram, Potsdam:
Theater der Dinge, Berlin